
"Delightful" Featured on Whats Happening Entertainment 'Music Scene Sunday Night'

"Delightful" Featured on Whats Happening Entertainment 'Music Scene Sunday Night'

In case you missed it! Thanks to Whats Happening Entertainment for recently featuring Katie’s music video “Delightful” on their show ‘Music Scene Sunday Night’! You can watch the replay on YouTube where hosts Tim and Tony share their kind thoughts on the video + more HERE! (The link is time stamped—Delightful’s segment starts about 20 minutes into the show).

Listen to Katie's Interview on Star Power Radio!

Listen to Katie's Interview on Star Power Radio!

A couple of weeks ago, Star Power Radio in New York featured Katie Garibaldi’s music and had her as a guest on the show. The interview is now available to listen to on Katie’s Facebook page. Happy Music Monday!

Katie Garibaldi on Weekdays with Murph Podcast

Katie Garibaldi on Weekdays with Murph Podcast

Katie Garibaldi was the featured guest yesterday on the Weekdays with Murph podcast, where a delightful discussion all about music was had! 🎵💜 If you missed the live show, you can stream it any time on Blog Talk Radio here. 🌞✨

Facebook Live Interview/Performance on Backstage Pass with Katie Garibaldi

Facebook Live Interview/Performance on Backstage Pass with Katie Garibaldi

If you missed Katie’s interview and live performance on the Backstage Pass show via Facebook Live, you can watch the replay here! 💙

Listen to Katie Garibaldi's Interview on The David Bowers Awards Show!

Listen to Katie Garibaldi's Interview on The David Bowers Awards Show!

Katie Garibaldi was recently interviewed on The David Bowers Awards Show, and the podcast is now available to listen to on Blog Talk Radio + all other streaming services. You can hear the insightful chat plus Katie’s music by clicking here! 💚

Listen to Katie Garibaldi's Radio Interview on the Chillin' With Jeff & Kenny C. Show

Listen to Katie Garibaldi's Radio Interview on the Chillin' With Jeff & Kenny C. Show

End of the month catch-up post! If you missed Katie’s live radio interview a month ago on the Chillin’ With Jeff & Kenny C. Show, you can listen to the replay on YouTube here! Fun chat! 🌟

Tune in today for Katie's live interview on TMV Cafe!

Tune in today for Katie's live interview on TMV Cafe!

Tune in to TMV Cafe TODAY, Saturday, February 29th at 5pm PST /8pm EST to hear Katie Garibaldi’s live interview on the Chillin' with Jeff and Kenny-C radio show! 📻🌠

Listen to Katie's Interview on the Rich Myers Show!

Listen to Katie's Interview on the Rich Myers Show!

If you missed the Facebook Live interview with Katie Garibaldi on the Rich Myers show a couple weeks back, you can click here to listen now. 😊 Learn why Katie’s song “Delightful” means so much to her + more insights into her love of songwriting in general. 🌷 Thanks for listening and supporting indie radio!