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Katie Garibaldi Interview in Teen Music Insider!

Katie Garibaldi Interview in Teen Music Insider!

Katie recently spoke with Teen Music Insider about her love of music and new album plans in an interview that you can now read HERE! 💚💚

“The best part about music for me personally is the opportunity to connect with my spirituality through creativity...Writing music is like saying a prayer, and performing music is like going to church.” 🙏🏼🎶

✨Read the full interview HERE

New Interview! Katie Garibaldi On Indie Music Blog MUSIC TALKS!

New Interview! Katie Garibaldi On Indie Music Blog MUSIC TALKS!

✨N E W I N T E R V I E W✨

In a delightful new interview, indie music blog Music Talks catches up with Katie Garibaldi about the industry, music, and faith.

“I never abandoned music. It’s sort of the vibration deep inside my soul that has always sustained me. If I lost that, perhaps I’d really be giving up on myself.” 💜

Read the full interview: